Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 21, 2016 at 12:19PM

Want some extra motivation to fight against aging? Read this absolutely ghoulish description of aging that a friend sent me: "First, let’s go over what will happen to us as we grow old. Sometime after age 50, depending on personal genetics and life history, our gums withdraw, we lose our hair, our saliva glands falter, and our teeth grow brittle and break off or fall out. Our skin gets thinner, less flexible; it sags, wrinkles, and is discolored by “liver spots.” Our bones lose density and strength and shrink in size as our joints swell. Our shoulders slump, our spines buckle and hump. Our muscles atrophy and waste away so we lose mobility as we grow progressively weaker. Our balance and hearing deteriorate. Our eyes dry and lose their ability to focus, so we’re more likely to fall, and our bones break more easily. We’re slower to heal and more vulnerable to infection as we do, if we do. Hormone levels change. Our memory fails, and most of us, almost all of us, will develop dementia if we live long enough." WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO US! Donate here to help end aging! Follow SENS Foundation. Please help raise awareness that aging can be cured with enough funding and research! via Eternal Life Fan Club

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