Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 05, 2014 at 01:54PM

This post is for all the people who think that living forever is impossible.... What is the point of being so pessimistic? By acting as if you know that living forever is impossible, you'll only create a self-fulfilling prophecy for yourself. Your fatalism and your lack of imagination is pitiful. I love how Marvin Minsky put's it: "It seems to me anybody who says it's impossible is a very strange pundit. How can you be sure that such a thing is not possible? You can't know until you try, and if you try and fail you can't know that you tried the right thing. People who think they know what's possible and what's not...are foolish. They don't know what's possible." ―Marvin Minsky Sometimes I wonder if people insist that living forever is impossible because they want it to be impossible. After all, it's much easier to die than to live. Maybe these deathists want to die without feeling like a quitter, so they tell themselves that they had no choice but to die, in order to avoid having their ego hurt. If they can convince themselves that living forever wasn't even an option, then they can die without feeling defeated. But the truth is, they were defeated by their own feeble, suicidal mindset. Part 2: More on the possibility of eternal life: | More on fatalism and the "suicidal mindset" | | TAGS: #deathism #defeatism #death is inevitable #deathist #LiveForever #EternalLife #immortality via Eternal Life Fan Club

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