Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014 at 04:56PM

Scientists that are working for Indefinite life extension are perhaps the most Effective Altruists of all. You men and women in the labs have our deepest gratitude. You are working very hard at the second most important thing in life... That is, saving other people's lives... The first most important thing is saving your own life, because without your own life you can't help anyone. So a word to the scientists... Please look after your health. Take care of yourself. Avoid dangers. DON'T DIE. We need you. ♥ I think the best way we can show our appreciation for these anti-aging scientists is to Protest to END AGING and gain more funding for their research. SENS Research Foundation distributes it's funds to a plethora of scientists who need it. Your donations are appreciated and by giving, we are acting as effective altruists by helping them save more lives. If the cure for aging comes 1 day sooner, that's 100,000 more lives we've helped to save! Donate Here: via Eternal Life Fan Club

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