Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014 at 05:55PM

Isn't life amazing? Isn't life AWESOME?!? Eternal life fans never surrender to death. We love life too much! The idea of dying and ceasing to exist is utterly repulsive to us. Living indefinitely is obviously a hard goal, and it may sound unrealistic to some people, but we strive for eternal life because it's the only possibility worth pursuing. Whatever it is that we enjoy about life, we need to EXIST in order to enjoy it. EXISTENCE is the most important thing! Our existence is too important, and that's why we would NEVER gamble our existence on the hypothetical possibility of there being life after death.... I believe eternal life is possible because I don't know what the future holds. Anyone who says that death is inevitable is claiming to know the future. Since when can human beings know the future? Living forever IS hypothetically possible if we cure aging and create a hyper-safe, techno-utopian society that solves all existential threats. "Big results require big ambitions." ~ Heraclitus If you want to live forever, it's going to be a struggle but you are NOT ALONE in your struggle. If you want support on your quest for eternal life, consider joining the Eternal Life Fans forum: http://ift.tt/1wEcVXf It's there to offer helpful information and support for anyone who is trying to live forever. Thank you for reading. I appreciate everyone who reads my posts. It really inspires me to keep pushing on. Sometimes I get discouraged but I'm trying hard to stay optimistic. Without the hope of eternal life, I have nothing. via Eternal Life Fan Club http://ift.tt/1DYV81h

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