Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 at 12:50PM

VIDEO: Dr. House understands. The notion of something being "worse than death" is absurd. The only thing that might be worse than death is eternal torment, but that's a completely made-up hypothetical scenario. In life, suffering is temporary. If someone is being tormented and they start to desire death as a release, I would advise to withstand the pain. Never surrender. Here's some perspective for you. When you feel sorry for yourself, just remember that you are still alive and all the famous/rich/successful/talented people of the past are dead. They lost everything (how incredibly tragic). If you are still alive you are winning. Just by being alive in the year 2014, you have it way better than the countless people who have entered into oblivion (assuming there is no afterlife). They got nothing but a small blip of existence. You could have eternity if you make the right moves and take your eternal life seriously. STAY ALIVE. via Eternal Life Fan Club

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