Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014 at 01:10PM

Eternal Life Fans love life so much that we want to keep going forever. Even if we were suffering and in bad health, many of us would still want to stay alive because life may get better in the future. Where there is life, there is opportunity. The only opportunity that death offers is a hypothetical unproven afterlife that is complete conjecture. This is why staying alive in any condition is even more important than avoiding suffering. Existence is all we have. Suffering is temporary—non-existence is permanent (as far as we know). So the message: Stay alive at all costs, even if you are suffering enormously. I know that life can feel like a nightmare sometimes. A lot of people are really struggling to stay happy. Those people will have even more to appreciate when the singularity comes. It will be like taking a hot bath when you were freezing for so long, or finally getting to eat something when you were starving. Suffering makes pleasure even better. =) If you think your life sucks, OK, I won't argue. But you should be patient and hold out for something better. It's going to get a lot better as more advanced technology is created and as the world leaves the dark ages. via Eternal Life Fan Club

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