Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 25, 2014 at 10:29AM

We live in an exciting time right now, where in the near future, people may no longer have to die from aging. SENS Research Foundation and Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and Google Calico are working hard to literally CURE AGING! How amazing would that be!? We all know that aging is horrible because the suffering and DEATH that it causes. Let's do whatever we can to raise awareness! How can anyone argue against a cure for aging? Any hypothetical problems that may arise from indefinite lifespans is a SMALL MATTER compared to the problems (mainly DEATH) that aging causes right now! We can worry about hypothetical problems when and if they come. But right now, we cannot sit back and do nothing while innocent people are forced into OBLIVION just because humans have not evolved to live longer! The fact that turtles, clams, and some fish can live longer than humans is an insult to our species. We humans have the potential to end suffering and create heaven on earth... Right now we are slaves to the aging process. We have never been free. But when we put a stop to aging, it will be the birth of a new era of true freedom and happiness. Life can be so much better than it is. Human evolution has only just begun, and we have a bright future indeed. More funding is needed. Aging will be cured—it's just a matter of time, and we need to be alive when that day comes! "...The fact that one happens to have lived a long time already does not diminish one’s entitlement to live a lot longer." ~ Aubrey de Grey Please donate if you can! And please support my friends: Advocate of Negligible senescence MILE - Movement for Indefinite Life Extension Death is Wrong (please share this book with children) via Eternal Life Fan Club

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