Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014 at 06:30PM

I love people who love life and don't ever want to die. Dying sucks and that's why we need to live forever by any means possible. Stay healthy and stay out of danger. I'm going to be posting much more health information in the future. I've been studying a lot. For now, check out these simple tips to stay healthy and reach Longevity escape velocity And please remind all your friends that life is precious and when they die, there is no coming back. Death is permanent annihilation (as far as we know)... Force them to think about how horrible that is. If your friends are religious and are not trying to live forever physically, don't judge them for their beliefs. Beliefs are involuntary. Judge them for not acting wisely (risking their eternal life on an unproven assumption). No true fan of eternal life would be so careless. via Eternal Life Fan Club

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