Monday, April 8, 2013

Technological Karma

by Eternal Life Fan Club

Despite having conquered death from aging and disease, a future society of transhumanists might have no sure defense against murder. Therefore, the ethicalness of people would remain to be of great concern to the whole of this society. Theoretically, every effort would be made to develop a scientific screening process to identify sociopathic tendencies amongst the members of this society, and appropriately neutralize these threats.

It's even possible that our future society will develop the technology to view the past and download a complete record of every single person in history, including footage of everything they ever did. If you are a living member of this society, an elected jury of your peers might be legally authorized to view the contents of your history to determine whether or not you are fit to live.

Your ETERNAL LIFE might be in the hands of a future panel of jurors who get to see all your dirt. Your every action, including those things you do in secret, could potentially condemn you to a fate of non-existence... I'm not saying this is a fair system but we must account for the possibility and act accordingly. Better safe than sorry. Ask yourself...what record are you leaving behind for your future panel?

"If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it."
~ Chinese Proverb

"Action cannot be lured back or erased... All that thou doest bears perpetual record of itself, enduring for Eternity..."
~ Pythagoras

"We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, and never to be undone. Every smallest stroke of virtue or of vice leaves its never so little scar. ...Nothing we ever do is, in strict scientific literalness, wiped out."
~ William James

Technological Karma pt 2:

I'm sure that the execution of prisoners would not be the first choice of a future transhumanist society, but regrettably, it might be the only option for a society of immortals with limited resources... If all the sociopathic prisoners were to be kept alive with life-extension technology, just think about how many would accumulate over the course of billions of years... not to mention all the resources that would be required to keep them alive. In a future society, criminals might be denied access to life-extension therapies and left in prison until nature takes it's course. Sad I know... But I don't make the rules. Just make sure you're not one of those people who might be deemed unsafe or unfit to live in a future society of immortals... Strive to live such a blameless, noble and virtuous life that your place in society wouldn't be questioned. Keep a clean conscience because you might be able to hide your dirty deeds from our current legal system, but you can't hide it from your own brain. Every action you've ever done is recorded inside your brain. After the technological singularity, it's extremely possible that the government will have compulsory access to the memories of all it's citizens. The implications of this future possibility are ENORMOUS because EVERYTHING you've ever done would be subject to punishment and could possibly result in your eternal destruction. Technological Karma is bitch.

Additional Notes:
Eternal Life Fan Club I'm not arguing for the death of anyone. I'm simply theorizing how the future might be... Personally, I'm against the death penalty. I'm all for life in prison... But it seems unlikely to me that a future government would impose on itself the burden of keeping billions of prisoners alive forever...
Author: []

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