Friday, February 22, 2013

Alien Salvation

> video synopsis on YouTube

Have you ever considered the possibility that Aliens might exist and, if this were true, how it might effect your eternal life?

Alien salvation is just one of the many theories of eternal life that we should consider when formulating our strategy. Any serious fan of eternal life should always take into account as many possibilities as can be conceived of, in order to better ensure their chances. Just the fact that aliens might exist, is all one should need to take action.

You might be asking how the existence of aliens would possibly effect your eternal life and how you could practically apply this information? Let me explain...

First of all, I hope you're humble enough to admit that aliens might be real. If aliens are real, they could have likely developed advanced technology which let's them live forever. AND these aliens might also have the ability to share this technology with whomever they want.

If these Aliens exist, they might have also seeded life on earth. They might be our creators... Our engineers... Our God, essentially.

"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness" ~ Genesis 1:26

"Whether we ever get to know them or not, there are very probably alien civilizations that are superhuman, to the point of being god-like in ways that exceed anything a theologian could possibly imagine. Their technical achievements would seem as supernatural to us as ours would seem to a Dark Age peasant transported to the twenty-first century"
~ Richard Dawkins

Prometheus Scene
watch video
What does this mean for us? Well, let's talk about some more possibilities. It's possible these aliens might be secretly monitoring humans and deciding which of us are worthy to live forever! That means we should be making our very best effort to gain the approval of these beings. But because we don't know what behavior they would reward, if any, we are left with no other option but to make an intelligent wager. If we at least have the conscious intent to gain favor from the aliens, we will more likely do the right thing. Every day we should be astutely aware of the very real possibility that we are being tested and judged by aliens.

Some people say we're a high school science experiment in another universe and we're all a science fair experiment... It's really a matter of philosophical debate” ~ Ray Kurzweil

If we were engineered by the aliens... Why did they do it? Maybe they wanted to have some fun, and we are on some alien reality TV show. Maybe part of their show is getting to see which of the humans would be awarded with eternal life, if any... For the time being, these will have to remain unanswerable questions. If there is one thing I've learned as a student of philosophy it's that you have to be comfortable living in a state of doubt and answered questions... 

Take a look at the following words:

Kind       hard-worker        responsible       charitable       truth-seeker       ethical        honorable       childlike        Trustworthy       peaceful       protector       empathetic      emotionally temperate     environmentally friendly       humble       innocent       fair       altruistic     
Do you think these are attractive and virtuous qualities in a person? Do you think Aliens would have such a different standard of virtue? It seems to me that if God-like aliens existed, they would value the same sort of virtues that humans value. A good general rule of thumb is to be the kind of person you think an advanced, God-like, alien species would love... and then go above and beyond that vision... Try your best to be praiseworthy because you're much better off overestimating the alien's standard for salvation than underestimating it. Be an overachiever and a perfectionist, in hopes of better earning your alien salvation. The standard by which these aliens judge us is unknown so it would be intelligent to strive for perfection. Even if you cannot personally believe this theory, for the sake of your eternal life, you should still live according to the possible consequences of this theory being true. Better safe than sorry.

You might be thinking that this theory wouldn't change the way you live one bit because you already live a good and virtuous life, without needing a theoretical alien salvation as your motivation... If that is you, then good for you! You might be a pretty good person... But can't we all use a little extra motivation sometimes? There's nothing wrong with a little selfish altruism for the sake of gaining eternal life! The hope of being rewarded with eternal life can cause someone to go the extra mile. After all, we are naturally selfish.

And remember to take into account that these aliens might be so God-like that they can see everything we do. Therefore, all our behavior is potentially subject to alien judgment. Don't think you can get away with anything. These Aliens also might have a deep involvement in our lives... These aliens might even purposely manipulate situations in order to test us.

That which is on earth, we have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that we may test them—as to which of them are best in conduct.” ~ Quran

Some theorize that we might all be living in a computer simulation,
in a matrix-like scenario. The Aliens might unplug people who
pass the test
The Aliens might have wanted to leave clues for us. Consider the possibility that all major religions have been designed by the aliens... and that even Jesus himself was an Alien. In the Parable of the weeds, Jesus sets up an analogy in which humans are being farmed, and harvested for salvation.

By controlling and manipulating all of the worlds religions and governments, the aliens can create a world environment that brings out the very best and worst in people. This way, they can see who is truly worthy of eternal life, and it makes for a much more interesting show. Maybe the truth is stranger than fiction. Try to keep your mind wide open to all the possibilities. That's really important... And try to think from an innocent childlike perspective because no matter how impossible it may seem, all of this is actually possible. That's the beauty of not knowing.

"You don't get anything worth getting by pretending to know things you don't know." ~ Sam Harris
Religion serves as a perfect way to test someone's true character. Just think for a moment about all the evil that goes down in the name of religion. Suicide bombers, priest pedophilia, all the religious wars throughout history... If the goal of the aliens was to separate the evil people from the good people, then religion certainly makes for some easy pickings. In the case of Christianity, the test takes on a different flavor. What better way to test someone than bait them into thinking that eternal life needn't be worked for and that their behavior has no repercussions as long as they accept the “free gift” of salvation. That's Christianity's doctrine of vicarious redemption in a nutshell. But just to make sure all those bible thumpers have no excuse whatsoever, the Aliens made it painfully obvious from the bible that good works is the real criteria necessary for salvation. Besides confusing people into thinking that faith is a virtue, religion also causes some people to take their health less seriously because they think they are promised an afterlife. If this alien salvation theory is true, it is highly improbable that aliens would judge people based on their beliefs since people do not choose what they believe (this makes beliefs extremely absurd criteria for judgment [1] [2] [3] [4]
"I'm not the first person to notice that it's a very strange sort of loving God who would make salvation depend upon believing in him on bad evidence." ~ Sam Harris
Now there was no law against a man's belief; for it was strictly contrary to the commands of God that there should be a law which should bring men on to unequal grounds. Book of Mormon - Alma 30:7 

Government also serves as a great test of human morality. If you want to see someone's true colors, give them power... Because we know that power has a tendency to corrupt people better than almost anything. Government essentially gives people permission to violate other people's freedoms under the banner of democracy and the rule of law, which causes many people to fail their test. Think of all the government workers who have made themselves party to the unjust imprisonment of countless non-violent drug users. And just think of all the military men who feel justified in the collateral murder of innocent civilians because the government gives a thumbs up. If the aliens want to separate the good people from the bad people, then it would serve them well to allow and even orchestrate these kinds of situations. The aliens might have very advanced technology but maybe there is no technology that is sufficient at judging someones heart and mind. Only someone's deeds can reveal their heart. In the bible, an analogy of “judging a tree by it's fruits” is often made, which refers to judging a person by their actions. It's a common theme in the bible and most other religious books.

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt. 7:20) ~ Jesus

Please note that I'm not advocating Alien Salvation as a replacement for other possible means of achieving eternal life. It's just one more thing we can do to stack the odds in our favor, in addition to everything else (healthy lifestyle, rejuvenative medicine, etc.) … As eternal life fans, we must take all possibilities into consideration... including the possibility that there are no aliens to rescue us...

And if anyone is thinking I'm a crazy person for believing this stuff, listen up...

Eternal Life Fan Club:

Related tags:

  • ancient aliens 
  • ancient astronauts 
  • alien God

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