Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015 at 06:49PM

This is the mindset I want to have in a president! Death should be considered the worst thing possible... I want my president to safeguard and protect my life to the extreme degree that it should be. As of right now, most presidents would think they've done a good job if I survived to be 70 years old and then end up in a nursing home.... They have very little interest in extending human life and this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Involuntary death via aging is a complete failure on behalf of the current government and medical system. US Presidential candidate Zoltan Istvan recognizes the extreme need for more science and technology to conquer old age and death. For instance, Zoltan would allocate large amounts of government money for organizations like SENS Foundation. He is making his intentions extremely clear with his recent #ImmortalityBus campaign. Eternal life fans would be crazy not to support him, as he is the only politician who wants to give the citizens access to Indefinite life extension. Aging is the first thing that will stop us from getting the eternal life that we desperately desire... so vote for Zoltan if you want to LIVE FOREVER! via Eternal Life Fan Club

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