Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 05, 2015 at 09:25AM

Of course it would be fantastic if there was a loving God who actually cared about us and wanted to save us, but I wouldn't count on it! Considering that your eternal life is the most important thing, why should you bet your eternal life on the presumptuous idea of an afterlife? But this is exactly what most people are doing. Most people don't care about the potential to cure aging because they are being lulled into complacency by the dangerous notion of life after death. The general attitude I have encountered goes something like this: "Why fight aging and death when I have something much better awaiting me in heaven?" My rebuttal usually goes something like this: "You should try to live forever physically because, despite your claims, you can't possibly KNOW that an afterlife exists! God is only a HYPOTHESIS. Therefore, you are gambling with your life on a mere ASSUMPTION. By dying, you risk annihilation -- OBLIVION -- and this should bother you!" Hoping there is a God is one thing (Even I as an atheist can hope, and I do)... But do not let your hope become distorted into a delusion of expectation, especially considering there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER (No, the bible is not proof and neither are your feelings of connection to a so-called "higher power"). Is God possible? Yes. BUT -- God is extremely wishful thinking. I understand that believing in God is enormously comforting. No one wants to think that their dead loved ones are literally dead forever, but sadly this is most likely the case. Everything we know about neurochemistry points to the bleak conclusion that consciousness is entirely physical. In other words, there is no reason to think a spiritual soul, or anything like it, exists at all. Rather, the soul is a concept that exists only within the imaginations of people who are desperate to believe anything. Humanity needed to invent God because of the horrible nature of reality, but now is the time for humanity to put less faith in God and more faith in ourselves. By harnessing the power of science and technology, we may be able to cure aging and create the salvation that we have traditionally sought from hypothetical deities. Living forever PHYSICALLY -- IS POSSIBLE. via Eternal Life Fan Club

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