Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 06, 2014 at 03:22PM

Read the article version here ➤ (with more images) There's something very attractive and beautiful about a person who has a strong will to live. Having a strong survival instinct, I think, is the core of what it means to be a human and people who do not have this "fighting spirit" just seem less than what they should be. How can someone not be bothered at all by the prospect of eternal oblivion? To accept death and non-existence for oneself seems so... What's a good word for that? Sheepish? Docile? Apathetic? Weak? Dare I say it -- SUICIDAL? The slogan on the image is from the upcoming movie "Ex Machina". Watch the trailer here: The phrase "Ex Machina" is a portion of the Latin phrase "Deus Ex Machina" which means "God from the machine". This phrase reminds me of the transhumanist idea of creating God, which I very much agree with. When I became an atheist, the first thing I realized was how much trouble I was in. No longer could I assume that there was a God to save me. Death was no longer sugarcoated with fairytales. I had to face the hard reality that death was permanent (as far as we know). I could see that my religion had been a drug and a huge philosophical crutch. It was time for me to face the uncomfortable reality. There was no God that cared about my eternal life, nor does the universe care about my survival. God did not exist and nature was not my friend. quote/ "In a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, or any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference… " ~ Richard Dawkins I am not one of those atheists that prefers a Godless universe. I WANT God to exist. I bemoan with extreme sorrow that we likely live in a Godless universe.... Without a divine overseer that ensures justice, it's FAR more difficult to get eternal life, and this is not something I'm happy about. It's just something I have to accept. I'm what you'd call an Agnostic atheist. I'll be the first to admit that a God MIGHT exist, but there is no way that I am going to count on a "MIGHT" for my salvation... Eternal life is far too important to gamble with. God is mere conjecture -- a best-case scenario that I WISH existed. If one wants to live forever, then one should not indulge in wishful thinking. One should focus on preparing for WORST-CASE scenarios. If I was right and the universe was indifferent, then I would have to take care of my own survival. Being an atheist who was not content with becoming food for worms, transhumanism was an obvious choice... I began to understand that the human race needs to create God and become our own saviors. It would be absurd to count on anyone but ourselves to give us eternal life. Essentially, we need to create the God that never existed, to bring order and safety to this chaotic universe of death and entropy. If atheism is true, then as Macbeth said, life is “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” ...Which basically means we’re in a lot of trouble! As I’ve stated before, I think a temporary existence is meaningless. From my new vantage point as an atheist, I could see how much the odds of eternal life were stacked against me. But rather than give into disparity, I decided to transform my hatred of death into ACTION. I decided to do everything in my power to stack the odds in my favor. Some would say that eternal life fans are chasing after a pipe dream; that the chance of living forever is infinitesimally small, so it's not worth the effort. But I refuse to see death as a forgone conclusion. What have we to gain by saying that eternal life is impossible? Such fatalistic thinking serves no good purpose. Going down that road leads to nihilism and meaninglessness.... We have nothing without HOPE! quote/ "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." ~ Michelangelo But I'm not fooling myself. I KNOW that eternal life is an immensely challenging goal... but fans of eternal life cannot become discouraged. We should be realistic with respect to the challenge, but optimistic enough so that we stay motivated. Indefinite life extension IS within our reach!!!! In conclusion, the realization that I couldn't count on God to save me was the best thing that ever happened to me. I finally had the motivation to take full responsibility for my own eternal life. I have made a concerted effort to destroy my illusions and coping mechanisms for death. I have chosen the red pill. Fear has become a close friend of mine. It constantly whispers in my ear: "You could so easily fail if you're not careful." Like any good friend would, Fear warns me of oblivion and encourages me to STRIVE for eternal life. quote/ "To live fully is to live with an awareness of the rumble of terror that underlies everything." ~ Ernest Becker We're lucky that we got this far in our evolution without a mass extinction event -- but this is only the beginning of our evolution. In order to create paradise on earth, we need to SURVIVE -- as individuals and as a species.... Death is a detestable fate, so we need to do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO LIVE FOREVER, and stay very serious. quote/ "The only thing you can count on is that people will do anything to survive. I just want to live. I don't care how." - Lincoln Six Echo via Eternal Life Fan Club

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