Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 05, 2014 at 10:46AM

There is a lot of religious Nihilism in the world right now and it's not helping our chances of living forever. Most religions preach that death is inevitable no matter what, because they think death is ordained by God. They also teach that one should accept death and even embrace death as a good thing, because after all, it's not about THIS WORLD. According to them, it's about your eternal future in the supposed afterlife. Needless to say, there is NO PROOF for any of that. As I'm sure you already know, all Gods are unproven hypothetical conjecture, and there is very likely No afterlife... which is why it's so important that we strive for immortality with advancements in science and technology, or by any other available means (let me know if you find any). Religious people do not take responsibility for their eternal life. They hand it off to an invisible hypothetical deity that might as well be the flying spaghetti monster. I think Sam Harris would understand my concern. I am trying to galvanize people to create heaven on earth while they are "eagerly anticipating the end of the world". I am trying to evolve my species while they are raising the next generation of fools with dangerous ideologies that are a threat to my survival. It's not helpful that a large portion of the world is celebrating that which eternal life fans hate most... that is, DEATH. I agree with Christopher Hitchens, when he says that religions make a cult out of death. ➤ Examples of Religiously inspired nihilistic attitudes towards death: 1) Christianity ➤ 2) Islam ➤ Here's a related poster ➤ I will reiterate what I've said many times before. Religious people say they love eternal life, but if they really did, then they would be gathering offerings for SENS Foundation ... Related post ➤ If you're not part of the solution, then you're likely part of the problem. But I'm most worried about religious people who have high positions in the government. People who decide were the tax dollars are going and what get's funded and what doesn't. You see, a person who believes in the afterlife and that everything is in "Gods hands" has no vested interest in anti-aging research. In fact, if they are anything like the majority of religious people, they will philosophically oppose the transhumanist goal of physical immortality via life-extension. This is a tremendous concern of mine. I am almost finished reading the book The Transhumanist Wager - Zoltan Istvan, and the topic of religion and it's negative effects on my goal of eternal life has been brewing in my mind. In so many ways I relate to the main character Jethro Knights who is obsessed with living forever. The enemies of Jethro are religious fanatics that oppose his transhumanist goals. I'm not comfortable with saying that the religious people are my "enemies".. I used to be a Christian myself. What I really want is to help them and recruit them to the side of transhumanism, but it's hard to undo years and years of religious brainwashing. Most religious people will not oppose aging and death because they see it as "Gods plan", and from their perspective, trying to live forever physically demonstrates a lack of faith in God's salvation... It seems they've already decided that death is their destiny. How sad that they will likely end up with oblivion and they won't even be able to hear us say "I told ya so" . I will continue my attempt to free people from religious delusion, but I am starting to grow pessimistic in this regard. One thing is for sure. I will strive with every ounce of my being to ensure that death is not my destiny, and I hope you do the same. #Sam Harris #death #nihilism #religion #God #aging #EternalLife via Eternal Life Fan Club

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