Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 05, 2014 at 01:54PM

“Fatalism is the lazy man's way of accepting the inevitable.” ―Natalie Clifford Barney The average death-accepting person says that it's pointless to fight the inevitable. But how can they possibly know that death is inevitable? They can't. For most people, eternal life is mere sour grapes. For eternal life fans, living forever is a real possibility that we cannot ignore because to ignore such a possibility is suicide. Treating eternal life as sour grapes might help you cope with the failure of aging and death, but it doesn't help anyone LIVE -- and LIVING is the supreme and ultimate value. If humanity works together, and if SENS Research Foundation get's enough funding, these grapes are not out of reach... WAKE UP PEOPLE. Embracing death is the worst idea anyone ever came up with. "Pessimism never won any battle." ―Dwight D. Eisenhower Part 2: More on the "Sour grapes effect" (Steve Jobs) (Society) TAGS: #deathism #defeatism #death is inevitable #deathist #LiveForever #EternalLife #immortality via Eternal Life Fan Club

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