Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 01, 2014 at 07:24PM

She is so RIGHT. Thank you Maria Konovalenko for being such a smart transhumanist. You inspire me to keep fighting for Indefinite life extension and to Protest to END AGING! Since there is likely No afterlife, it's disturbingly unfortunate that children are taught that Heaven Is For Real, when they should be taught that Death is Wrong (i.e. DEATH IS FOR REAL!!!!) ...Having a confident expectation of an afterlife puts them at a severe disadvantage because they're less likely to safeguard their physical existence at all costs. You only live once so you better live forever!!!!!! Or as Maria says, "Strive to immortality!" Please reach out to religious people and help them. Their eternal life is at stake and we can help them get saved! It's hard for Christians and Muslims etc, to admit they are wrong because no one likes to think that they were naively tricked. But Dear religious people, most of you were indoctrinated as children so it's not your fault. You had not yet reached the age of reason. I used to be a Christian myself, and I had to admit that I was wrong. It wasn't easy, but guess what? It was liberating.... Since becoming an atheist, I started taking my eternal life more seriously. Being an atheist is what caused me to fear death as much as I do and I consider that a gift. Who knows, if God actually does exist, maybe "He" would reward me for having the guts to come out as an atheist? Maria is the creator of the Longevity Party Group on Facebook: I hope you check it out! TAGS: #afterlife #transhumanism #importance of #doubt #eternal #life #Christian #heaven #immortality #religion #atheism #atheist #Muslim via Eternal Life Fan Club

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